Opinion: What General People Think of Virtual Reality

What General People Think of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has been expanding its footprint gradually across the globe by venturing in several new dimensions. There are multiple VR conferences held every year where different headsets are introduced and researches are being carried out to understand the public sentiment towards this next-level technology. Virtual Reality is termed as the most immersive of all the ‘reality’ technologies while, as evident, it requires wearing a headset that generates a 360-degree simulation. The basic idea is to make the user feel that he is in the digital environment but in reality, he is not.What General People Think of Virtual Reality

A bit downgraded form of VR is AR (Augmented Reality) which inserts some digital elements in the physical world to make it more colorful and interesting. Some of the best examples of Augmented Reality are Snapchat filters and Pokemon GO mobile games which, using the GPS location of users, assists them in finding and catching digital creatures named Pokemons. Yet another extension of Virtual Reality is Mixed Reality, also sometimes termed as AR+. It enables digital objects to interact with the real and physical world.

Earlier this year, a survey was conducted in order to measure the public sentiment around VR — to find out when, if, and how many people planned to buy VR headsets. And where the answer was “no,” The surveyors wanted to know: Why not? First, after surveying over 700 people across the U.S., UK, and Canada, the survey stated that nearly half of people have no plans to buy a VR headset. Then, those who indicated that they don’t plan to buy a VR headset were asked what was stopping them from buying one. The survey discovered three key barriers to entry.

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First, many consumers don’t understand the benefits or use cases for VR: a theme that reverberated throughout day one of VRX, and bleeds into the second-highest barrier we found, which is the need for more information about the technology before investing in it. The third major barrier to entry was the cost of VR hardware for the consumer and another key responsibility of the businesses that are creating VR experiences. While there are barriers to entry, the engineers mustn’t allow that to be a hindrance to exploring the ways these types of immersive or interactive experiences can be brought to the audiences.

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